Kids and Youthwork
Kidswork & Youth
Kids are a vital part of our church family - and we have loads of them!
Every Sunday our kids enjoy a great time with us as a church family, and together in smaller groups aimed at their age. They often enjoy fun, games, songs, getting into the bible, exploring and sharing the life of faith together.
Creche - Pre-nursery
Explorers - Nursery to P2
Big Kids - P3-P6
Youth - P7 and seconary age
If you are, or plan to be with us regularly, we ask you to register your child here.

Messy Church & All-together Sundays
We love being a church of all ages. At Messy Church we enjoy crafts, games and activities followed by food, exploring what Jesus means for us. It's a great chance to try out church if you have young ones.
Our all-together Sundays are where we enjoy being an intergenerational church. At these, there's something for everyone. Worship, prayer, hands-on activities and a chance to help each other grow and learn together.
Monthly all ages are included in all-together Sundays, Lego Church, Messy Church and Family Meals.

We are comitted to being a church who honour everyone who is part of our church and helping all our church family thrive.
We have a well developed Safeguarding Policy, two safeguarding officers and lots of good practice to help us be a safe and thriving place for everyone.